Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Bacterial DNA gyrase
Target Type
Disease Bacterial infections [ICD9: 001-009, 010-018, 020-027, 030-041, 080-088, 090-099, 100-104; ICD10: A00-B99]
Chronic bronchitis [ICD10: J42]
Fungal infections [ICD9: 110-118; ICD10: B35-B49]
Infections disease [ICD10: A00-B99]
Infections [ICD9: 001-139; ICD10: A00-B99]
Otitis media [ICD10: H65-H67]
Ocular inflammation [ICD9: 370.33; ICD10: H16.229]
Pneumonia [ICD10: J12-J18]
Respiratory tract infection [ICD9: 460-519; ICD10: J00-J99]
Staphylococcus aureus infection [ICD10: B95.6]
Urinary tract infections [ICD9: 599; ICD10: N39.0]
Unspecified [ICD code not available]
DNA gyrase negatively supercoils closed circular double- stranded DNA in an ATP-dependent manner and also catalyzes the interconversion of other topological isomers of double-stranded DNA rings, including catenanes and knotted rings.
BioChemical Class
ATP-hydrolyzing DNA topoisomerase
UniProt ID
EC Number
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Besifloxacin Drug Info Approved Ocular inflammation [530677], [531950]
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [551871]
Finafloxacin Drug Info Approved Urinary tract infections [533123], [551871]
Gatifloxacin Drug Info Approved Respiratory tract infection [536472]
Gemifloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536094]
Grepafloxacin Drug Info Approved Chronic bronchitis [551871]
Levofloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536773]
Moxifloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536472]
Norfloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538281]
Ofloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536222]
Sparfloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538553]
Trovafloxacin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538605]
BAY-35-3377 Drug Info Phase 3 Otitis media [547073]
Ciprofloxacin intratympanic - Otonomy Drug Info Phase 3 Unspecified [1559538]
Ozenoxacin Drug Info Phase 3 Bacterial infections [524682]
Zabofloxacin Drug Info Phase 3 Pneumonia [524004]
AZD0914 Drug Info Phase 2 Bacterial infections [524944]
WCK-771 Drug Info Phase 2 Bacterial infections [547481]
Viquidacin Drug Info Preclinical Bacterial infections [547573]
Grepafloxacin Drug Info Withdrawn from market Bacterial infections [538554]
Temafloxacin Drug Info Withdrawn from market Bacterial infections [544673]
OLAMUFLOXACIN MESILATE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Bacterial infections [546090]
99mTc-ciprofloxacin, DRAXIS Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Infections disease [547444]
A-86719.1 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [545655]
BAY-Y-3118 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [544982]
Cadrofloxacin Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [545284]
CFC-222 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [545639]
DANOFLOXACIN Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [526405]
DX-619 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [547823]
FANDOFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [545638]
Ro-23-9424 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Bacterial infections [544670]
AZD-5099 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Infections [549270]
Cetefloxacin Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Bacterial infections [545018]
DV-7751A Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Bacterial infections [545076]
GSK945237 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Bacterial infections [548649]
PD-131112 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Bacterial infections [544944]
A-70826 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [545052]
BMY-40062 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [544661]
CBR-2092 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [548625]
Clinafloxacin Drug Info Terminated Pneumonia [544668]
CP-67015 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [545521]
Dual-action antibiotics Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [544794]
KB-5246 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [544660]
MF-5137 Drug Info Terminated Staphylococcus aureus infection [545640]
PD-117596 Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [544667]
Protosufloxacin Drug Info Terminated Bacterial infections [545576]
Ro-23-7777 Drug Info Terminated Fungal infections [545532]
S-34109 Drug Info Terminated Staphylococcus aureus infection [546353]
Inhibitor 99mTc-ciprofloxacin, DRAXIS Drug Info [544000]
BAY-35-3377 Drug Info [525396]
Modulator A-70826 Drug Info [545053]
A-86719.1 Drug Info
AZD-5099 Drug Info [532855]
AZD0914 Drug Info
BAY-Y-3118 Drug Info
Besifloxacin Drug Info [530677], [531950]
BMY-40062 Drug Info
Cadrofloxacin Drug Info [534230]
CBR-2092 Drug Info
Cetefloxacin Drug Info [1572591]
CFC-222 Drug Info
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Drug Info [556264]
Ciprofloxacin intratympanic - Otonomy Drug Info
Clinafloxacin Drug Info [534732]
CP-67015 Drug Info [556264]
Dual-action antibiotics Drug Info [534005]
DV-7751A Drug Info
DX-619 Drug Info [527893]
Finafloxacin Drug Info [533123]
Gatifloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Gemifloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Grepafloxacin Drug Info
GSK945237 Drug Info
KB-5246 Drug Info [544015]
Levofloxacin Drug Info [556264]
MF-5137 Drug Info [556264]
Moxifloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Norfloxacin Drug Info [556264]
NSFQ-105 Drug Info
Ofloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Ozenoxacin Drug Info
PD-117558 Drug Info
PD-117596 Drug Info
PD-131112 Drug Info [1572591]
Protosufloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Ro-23-7777 Drug Info [556264]
Ro-23-9424 Drug Info
S-34109 Drug Info [546354]
Sparfloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Temafloxacin Drug Info [528147]
Trovafloxacin Drug Info [556264]
Viquidacin Drug Info
WCK-771 Drug Info
Zabofloxacin Drug Info
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Ref 538554FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2009. Application Number: (NDA) 020695.
Ref 538605FDA Approved Drug Products from FDA Official Website. 2009. Application Number: (NDA) 050762.
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Ref 545018Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800001898)
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