Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Proto-oncogene c-Abl
Gene Name
Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1; Abelson tyrosine-protein kinase 1; Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1; p150; Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1; Abl; C-ABL; ABL1
Target Type
Disease Acute myeloid leukemia [ICD9: 205; ICD10: C92.0]
Advanced breast cancer [ICD9: 174, 175; ICD10: C50]
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD9: 204.0, 556; ICD10: C91.0]
Bone disease; Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; Metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer [ICD9:185; ICD10: M00-M99, C91, C61]
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [ICD9: 205.1; ICD10: C92.1]
Cancer [ICD9: 140-229; ICD10: C00-C96]
Dietary shortage [ICD9: 260-269; ICD10: E40-E46]
Glioma; Lung cancer; Prostate cancer; Solid tumours [ICD9: 140-199, 191, 210-229; ICD10: C00-C75, C71, C7A, C7B, D10-D36, D3A]
Intestinal cancer; Myeloid leukemia [ICD9: 152, 153, 205; ICD10: C17, C18, C92]
Ischemia [ICD9: 459.89; ICD10: I99.8]
Leukemia [ICD9: 208.9; ICD10: C90-C95]
Multiple myeloma [ICD9: 203; ICD10: C90]
Osteosarcoma; Hematological malignancies; Solid tumours [ICD9: 140-199, 140-239, 170, 200-209, 210-229; ICD10: C40-C41, C81-C86, D10-D36, D3A]
Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase that plays a role in many key processes linked to cell growth and survival such as cytoskeleton remodeling in response to extracellular stimuli, cell motility and adhesion, receptor endocytosis, autophagy, DNA damage response and apoptosis. Coordinates actin remodeling through tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins controlling cytoskeleton dynamics like WASF3 (involved in branch formation); ANXA1 (involved in membrane anchoring); DBN1, DBNL, CTTN, RAPH1 and ENAH (involved in signaling); or MAPT and PXN (microtubule-binding proteins). Phosphorylation of WASF3 is critical for the stimulation of lamellipodia formation and cell migration. Involved in the regulation of cell adhesion and motility through phosphorylation of key regulators of these processes such as BCAR1, CRK, CRKL, DOK1, EFS or NEDD9. Phosphorylates multiple receptor tyrosine kinases and more particularly promotes endocytosis of EGFR, facilitates the formation of neuromuscular synapses through MUSK, inhibits PDGFRB-mediated chemotaxis and modulates the endocytosis of activated B-cell receptor complexes. Other substrates which are involved in endocytosis regulation are the caveolin (CAV1) and RIN1. Moreover, ABL1 regulates the CBL family of ubiquitin ligases that drive receptor down-regulation and actin remodeling. Phosphorylation of CBL leads to increased EGFR stability. Involved in late-stage autophagy by regulating positively the trafficking and function of lysosomal components. ABL1 targets to mitochondria in response to oxidative stress and thereby mediates mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. ABL1 is also translocated in the nucleus where it has DNA-binding activity and is involved in DNA-damage response and apoptosis. Many substrates are known mediators of DNA repair: DDB1, DDB2, ERCC3, ERCC6, RAD9A, RAD51, RAD52 or WRN. Activates the proapoptotic pathway when the DNA damage is too severe to be repaired. Phosphorylates TP73, a primary regulator for this type of damage- induced apoptosis. Phosphorylates the caspase CASP9 on 'Tyr-153' and regulates its processing in the apoptotic response to DNA damage. Phosphorylates PSMA7 that leads to an inhibition of proteasomal activity and cell cycle transition blocks. ABL1 acts also as a regulator of multiple pathological signaling cascades during infection. Several known tyrosine-phosphorylated microbial proteins have been identified as ABL1 substrates. This is the case of A36R of Vaccinia virus, Tir (translocated intimin receptor) of pathogenic E.coli and possibly Citrobacter, CagA (cytotoxin- associated gene A) of H.pylori, or AnkA (ankyrin repeat-containing protein A) of A.phagocytophilum. Pathogens can highjack ABL1 kinase signaling to reorganize the host actin cytoskeleton for multiple purposes, like facilitating intracellular movement and host cell exit. Finally, functions as its own regulator through autocatalytic activity as well as through phosphorylation of its inhibitor, ABI1.
BioChemical Class
Target Validation
UniProt ID
EC Number
1AB2; 1ABL; 1AWO; 1BBZ; 1JU5; 1OPL; 1ZZP; 2ABL; 2E2B; 2F4J; 2FO0; 2G1T; 2G2F; 2G2H; 2G2I; 2GQG; 2HIW; 2HYY; 2HZ0; 2HZ4; 2HZI; 2O88; 2V7A; 3CS9; 3EG0; 3EG1; 3EG2; 3EG3; 3EGU; 3K2M; 3PYY; 3QRI; 3QRJ; 3QRK; 3T04; 3UE4; 3UYO; 4J9B; 4J9C; 4J9D; 4J9E; 4J9F; 4J9G; 4J9H; 4J9I; 4JJB; 4JJC; 4JJD
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Adenosine triphosphate Drug Info Approved Dietary shortage [536838]
Bosutinib Drug Info Approved Advanced breast cancer [525021], [541049]
Dasatinib Drug Info Approved Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [528715], [536577], [541021], [551871]
Imatinib Drug Info Approved Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [536294], [541030]
Nilotinib Drug Info Approved Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [529282], [541038]
Ponatinib Drug Info Approved Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [532210], [541188]
SKI-758 Drug Info Approved Ischemia [532210], [551871]
Imatinib Drug Info Phase 3 Intestinal cancer; Myeloid leukemia [536294], [541030]
AN-019 Drug Info Phase 2 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [549038]
AZD0530 Drug Info Phase 2 Osteosarcoma; Hematological malignancies; Solid tumours [536957], [542701]
Bafetinib Drug Info Phase 2 Bone disease; Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; Metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer [523198], [542828]
Dasatinib Drug Info Phase 2 Multiple myeloma [536957], [541021]
Flumatinib Drug Info Phase 2 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [525279]
Imatinib Drug Info Phase 2 Glioma; Lung cancer; Prostate cancer; Solid tumours [536294], [541030]
NPB-001-056 Drug Info Phase 1/2 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [549228]
ABL 001 Drug Info Phase 1 Leukemia [549541]
Adaphostin Drug Info Phase 1 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia [528231]
DCC-2036 Drug Info Phase 1 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [522553]
KW-2449 Drug Info Phase 1 Acute myeloid leukemia [530222], [541033]
MC-2001 Drug Info Preclinical Leukemia [548002]
Inhibitor (E)-4-(3,5-dimethoxystyryl)phenol Drug Info [528198]
3'',5''-dimethoxy-[1,1':2',1'']-terphenyl-4-ol Drug Info [528198]
3'',5''-dimethoxy-[1,1':3',1'']-terphenyl-4-ol Drug Info [528198]
4,3'',5''-trimethoxy-[1,1':2',1'']-terphenyl Drug Info [528198]
4,3'',5''-trimethoxy-[1,1':3',1'']-terphenyl Drug Info [528198]
4-[(3,5-diamino-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)diazenyl]phenol Drug Info [528490]
ABL 001 Drug Info [551798]
Adaphostin Drug Info [526238]
Adenosine triphosphate Drug Info [535436], [536557]
AG-1879 Drug Info [529296]
AN-019 Drug Info [532119]
AP-24163 Drug Info [530949]
AP-24226 Drug Info [530949]
BAS-00387275 Drug Info [528211]
BAS-00387328 Drug Info [528211]
BAS-00387347 Drug Info [528211]
BAS-00672722 Drug Info [528211]
BAS-01373578 Drug Info [528211]
BAS-0338872 Drug Info [529217]
BAS-0338876 Drug Info [529217]
BAS-09534324 Drug Info [528211]
Bis-(5-hydroxy-1H-indol-2-yl)-methanone Drug Info [528209]
Bosutinib Drug Info [536474]
Dasatinib Drug Info [536331], [536474], [536797]
Flumatinib Drug Info [532541]
Imatinib Drug Info [536474]
JNJ-10198409 Drug Info [527932]
MC-2001 Drug Info [526836]
MYRISTIC ACID Drug Info [551374]
NPB-001-056 Drug Info [531495]
ON-044580 Drug Info [531107]
PD-0166326 Drug Info [530497]
PD-0173955 Drug Info [528432]
PD-0173956 Drug Info [530497]
SKI-758 Drug Info [528584]
TG-100435 Drug Info [528527]
[1,1':2',1'']-terphenyl-4,3'',5''-triol Drug Info [528198]
Modulator AZD0530 Drug Info
Bafetinib Drug Info [1572591]
DCC-2036 Drug Info
Nilotinib Drug Info [529282]
Ponatinib Drug Info [551871]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway ErbB signaling pathway
Ras signaling pathway
Cell cycle
Axon guidance
Neurotrophin signaling pathway
Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
Pathways in cancer
MicroRNAs in cancer
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Viral myocarditis
PANTHER Pathway Axon guidance mediated by Slit/Robo
Pathway Interaction Database p73 transcription factor network
ATM pathway
Regulation of Telomerase
Posttranslational regulation of adherens junction stability and dissassembly
Lissencephaly gene (LIS1) in neuronal migration and development
PDGFR-beta signaling pathway
Neurotrophic factor-mediated Trk receptor signaling
Validated transcriptional targets of TAp63 isoforms
p53 pathway
Regulation of retinoblastoma protein
Reactome Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation
CDO in myogenesis
RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs
HDR through Single Strand Annealing (SSA)
Recruitment and ATM-mediated phosphorylation of repair and signaling proteins at DNA double strand breaks
Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
WikiPathways Apoptosis-related network due to altered Notch3 in ovarian cancer
Fcgamma receptor (FCGR) dependent phagocytosis
ATM Signaling Pathway
Retinoblastoma (RB) in Cancer
Integrated Pancreatic Cancer Pathway
Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
Regulation of Microtubule Cytoskeleton
Integrated Breast Cancer Pathway
Signaling by Robo receptor
Factors involved in megakaryocyte development and platelet production
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