Target Validation Information
Target ID T94033
Target Name Coagulation factor IIa
Target Type
Drug Potency against Target Ximelagatran Drug Info IC50 = 0.376 nM/mL [552332]
OSCILLARIN Drug Info IC50 = 28 nM [530312]
L-375378 Drug Info Ki = 0.8 nM [526487]
RWJ-671818 Drug Info Ki = 1.3 nM [530660]
CHLORODYSINOSIN A Drug Info IC50 = 5.8 nM [530312]
RAZAXABAN Drug Info Ki = 540 nM [530655]
Bivalirudin Drug Info IC50 = 14 nM
Cyclotheonamide E Drug Info IC50 = 16.1 nM [526298]
Cyclotheonamide E5 Drug Info IC50 = 67.9 nM [526298]
4-(3,4-Diethoxy-benzylamino)-benzamidine Drug Info Ki = 4500 nM [527397]
D-Pro-Phe-Arg chloromethyl ketone Drug Info IC50 = 2500 nM [529454]
Tellimagrandin II Drug Info Ki = 420 nM [534762]
CASUARIIN Drug Info Ki = 980 nM [534762]
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose Drug Info Ki = 3900 nM [534762]
Macrocyclic tripeptide motif Drug Info Ki = 4.1 nM
(4-nitro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(o-tolyl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 12100 nM [529037]
2-nas-phe(3-am)-4-(2-guanidinoethyl)piperidine Drug Info Ki = 110 nM [528292]
BMS-740808 Drug Info Ki = 35 nM [529194]
Lepirudin Drug Info IC50 = 23 nM [553198]
RWJ-50353 Drug Info Ki = 0.2 nM [529193]
Cyclotheonamide E4 Drug Info IC50 = 7.4 nM [526298]
INOGATRAN Drug Info IC50 = 1300 nM [534831]
2-(2-Hydroxy-phenyl)-1H-indole-5-carboxamidine Drug Info Ki = 13000 nM [526118]
(3-nitro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(phenyl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 11000 nM [529037]
(3-nitro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(p-tolyl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 4300 nM [529037]
(4-bromo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(p-tolyl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 4700 nM [529037]
(3,4-dichlorophenyl)(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 2800 nM [529037]
DYSINOSIN A Drug Info IC50 = 46 nM [530312]
GR-133686 Drug Info IC50 = 4 nM [534803]
BMS-344577 Drug Info Ki = 2300 nM [530503]
5-desgalloylstachyurin Drug Info Ki = 830 nM [534762]
PEDUNCULAGIN Drug Info Ki = 42 nM [534762]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-(SPH(pY)EKVS)-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 1.5 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)13-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 6.7 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)11-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 4.6 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)9-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 2 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)3-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 0.5 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)5-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 0.6 nM [527780]
4-(4-Benzyloxy-3-methoxy-benzylamino)-benzamidine Drug Info Ki = 270 nM [527397]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)7-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 1.3 nM [527780]
1-benzoyl-N-phenyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide Drug Info IC50 = 390 nM [529037]
(4-nitro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(phenyl)methanone Drug Info IC50 = 11900 nM [529037]
Argatroban Drug Info IC50 = 1100 nM [553198]
COCHINCHINENENE B Drug Info IC50 = 17800 nM [529057]
COCHINCHINENIN B Drug Info IC50 = 12300 nM [529057]
MELAGATRAN Drug Info IC50 = 69.2 nM [528017]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-(SPHYEKVS)-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 1 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-S-(GS)1-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 36 nM [527780]
Bbs-Arg-(D-Pip)-Gly-(EQKLISEEDL)-Gly-Hir Drug Info Ki = 66 nM [527780]
Ximelegatran Drug Info Ki = 140 nM [552973]
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