Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
mRNA of PKC-epsilon
Gene Name
PRKCE (mRNA); nPKC-epsilon (mRNA); PRKCE
Target Type
Disease Human immunodeficiency virus infection [ICD9: 279.3; ICD10: B20-B26]
Calcium-independent, phospholipid- and diacylglycerol (DAG)-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase that plays essential roles in the regulation of multiple cellular processes linked to cytoskeletal proteins, such as cell adhesion, motility, migration and cell cycle, functions in neuron growth and ion channel regulation, and is involved in immune response, cancer cell invasion and regulation of apoptosis. Mediates cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix via integrin-dependent signaling, by mediating angiotensin-2-induced activation of integrin beta-1 (ITGB1) in cardiac fibroblasts. Phosphorylates MARCKS, which phosphorylates and activatesPTK2/FAK, leading to the spread of cardiomyocytes. Involved in the control of the directional transport of ITGB1 in mesenchymal cells by phosphorylating vimentin (VIM), an intermediate filament (IF) protein. In epithelial cells, associates with and phosphorylates keratin-8 (KRT8), which induces targeting of desmoplakin at desmosomes and regulates cell-cell contact. Phosphorylates IQGAP1, which binds to CDC42, mediating epithelial cell-cell detachment prior to migration. In HeLa cells, contributes to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced cell migration, and in human corneal epithelial cells, plays a critical role in wound healing after activation by HGF. During cytokinesis, forms a complex with YWHAB, which is crucial for daughter cell separation, and facilitates abscission by a mechanismwhich may implicate the regulation of RHOA. In cardiac myocytes, regulates myofilament function and excitation coupling at the Z-lines, where it is indirectly associated with F- actin via interactionwith COPB1. During endothelin-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, mediates activation of PTK2/FAK, which is critical for cardiomyocyte survival and regulation of sarcomere length. Plays a role in the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy via persistent phosphorylation of troponin I (TNNI3). Involved in nerve growth factor (NFG)-induced neurite outgrowth and neuron morphological change independently of its kinase activity, by inhibition of RHOA pathway, activation of CDC42 and cytoskeletal rearrangement. May be involved in presynaptic facilitation by mediating phorbol ester-induced synaptic potentiation. Phosphorylates gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit gamma-2 (GABRG2), which reduces the response of GABA receptors to ethanol and benzodiazepines and may mediate acute tolerance to theintoxicating effects of ethanol. Upon PMA treatment, phosphorylates the capsaicin- and heat-activated cation channel TRPV1, which is required for bradykinin-induced sensitization of the heat responsein nociceptive neurons. Is able to form a complex with PDLIM5 and N-type calcium channel, and may enhance channel activities and potentiates fast synaptic transmission by phosphorylating the pore-forming alpha subunit CACNA1B (CaV2.2). In prostate cancer cells, interacts with and phosphorylates STAT3, which increases DNA-binding and transcriptional activity of STAT3 and seems to be essential for prostate cancer cell invasion. Downstream of TLR4, plays an important role in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced immune response by phosphorylating and activating TICAM2/TRAM, which in turn activates the transcription factor IRF3 and subsequent cytokines production. In differentiating erythroid progenitors, is regulated by EPO and controls the protection against the TNFSF10/TRAIL- mediated apoptosis, via BCL2. May be involved in the regulation of the insulin-induced phosphorylation and activation of AKT1.
BioChemical Class
Target Validation
UniProt ID
EC Number
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) BALANOL Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [1], [2]
Inhibitor 8-Octyl-benzolactam-V9 Drug Info [3]
BALANOL Drug Info [4]
chelerythrine Drug Info [5]
GF-109203 Drug Info [6]
PROSTRATIN Drug Info [7]
RO-316233 Drug Info [8]
KEGG Pathway cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
Sphingolipid signaling pathway
Vascular smooth muscle contraction
Tight junction
Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway
Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis
Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels
Type II diabetes mellitus
MicroRNAs in cancer
NetPath Pathway IL2 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Alpha adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathway
Apoptosis signaling pathway
EGF receptor signaling pathway
Endothelin signaling pathway
FGF signaling pathway
Heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathway-Gq alpha and Go alpha mediated pathway
Inflammation mediated by chemokine and cytokine signaling pathway
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 and 3 signaling pathway
VEGF signaling pathway
Wnt signaling pathway
5HT2 type receptor mediated signaling pathway
Histamine H1 receptor mediated signaling pathway
Oxytocin receptor mediated signaling pathway
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor signaling pathway
CCKR signaling map ST
Pathway Interaction Database Endothelins
LPA receptor mediated events
TCR signaling in na&amp
ve CD4+ T cells
LPA4-mediated signaling events
CDC42 signaling events
TCR signaling in na&amp
ve CD8+ T cells
Thromboxane A2 receptor signaling
Role of Calcineurin-dependent NFAT signaling in lymphocytes
IL2-mediated signaling events
PDGFR-beta signaling pathway
IL8- and CXCR1-mediated signaling events
Regulation of Ras family activation
Downstream signaling in na&amp
Reactome Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
DAG and IP3 signaling
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis
G alpha (z) signalling events
WikiPathways Hypothetical Network for Drug Addiction
Calcium Regulation in the Cardiac Cell
Wnt Signaling Pathway
Wnt Signaling Pathway and Pluripotency
G Protein Signaling Pathways
Myometrial Relaxation and Contraction Pathways
Oncostatin M Signaling Pathway
miRs in Muscle Cell Differentiation
GPCR downstream signaling
Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
Physiological and Pathological Hypertrophy of the Heart
REF 1( Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 8142).
REF 2Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800003814)
REF 3J Med Chem. 2006 May 4;49(9):2681-8.Design and synthesis of 8-octyl-benzolactam-V9, a selective activator for protein kinase C epsilon and eta.
REF 4Evaluation of differential hypoxic cytotoxicity and electrochemical studies of nitro 5-deazaflavins, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 5(18):2155-2160 (1995).
REF 5Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Dec 18;104(51):20523-8. Epub 2007 Dec 11.A systematic interaction map of validated kinase inhibitors with Ser/Thr kinases.
REF 6J Biol Chem. 2007 Nov 9;282(45):33052-63. Epub 2007 Sep 17.Protein kinase C epsilon regulates gamma-aminobutyrate type A receptor sensitivity to ethanol and benzodiazepines through phosphorylation of gamma2 subunits.
REF 7J Med Chem. 1992 May 29;35(11):1978-86.A nonpromoting phorbol from the samoan medicinal plant Homalanthus nutans inhibits cell killing by HIV-1.
REF 8Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2004 Oct 18;14(20):5171-4.Synthesis of anilino-monoindolylmaleimides as potent and selective PKCbeta inhibitors.

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