Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Beta-3 adrenergic receptor
Gene Name
Beta-3 adrenoceptor; Beta-3 adrenoreceptor; Beta3-AR; Beta3AR; ADRB3
Target Type
Disease Angina pectoris [ICD9: 413; ICD10: I20]
Asthma [ICD10: J45]
Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [ICD9: 490-492, 493, 494-496; ICD10: J40-J44, J47, J45]
Diabetes [ICD9: 253.5, 588.1; ICD10: E23.2, N25.1]
Gastrointestinal disease [ICD10: K00-K93]
Glaucoma [ICD9: 365; ICD10: H40-H42]
Hypertension [ICD9: 401; ICD10: I10-I16]
Irritable bowel syndrome [ICD9: 564.1, 787.91; ICD10: A09, K58, K59.1]
Major depressive disorder; Severe mood disorders [ICD9: 296, 296.2, 296.3; ICD10: F30-F39, F32, F33]
Major depressive disorder; Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [ICD9: 250, 250.00, 250.02, 278, 296, 296.2, 296.3; ICD10: E08-E13, E11, E66, F30-F39, F32, F33]
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction [ICD10: N31.9]
Overactive bladder disorder [ICD9: 188, 596.51; ICD10: C67, N32.81]
Obesity [ICD9: 278; ICD10: E66]
Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [ICD9: 250, 250.00, 250.02, 278; ICD10: E08-E13, E11, E66]
Type 2 diabetes [ICD9: 250; ICD10: E11]
Urinary incontinence [ICD9: 788.3; ICD10: N39.3, N39.4, R32]
Beta-adrenergic receptors mediate the catecholamine- induced activation of adenylate cyclase through the action of G proteins. Beta-3 is involved in the regulation of lipolysis and thermogenesis.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Amosulalol Drug Info Approved Hypertension [533886]
Bitolterol Drug Info Approved Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [551871]
Bopindolol Drug Info Approved Hypertension [551871]
Mepindolol Drug Info Approved Angina pectoris [551871]
Mirabegron Drug Info Approved Overactive bladder disorder [532210], [542469]
Nipradilol Drug Info Approved Angina pectoris [551871]
Rimiterol Drug Info Approved Asthma [551871]
ASP-3652 Drug Info Phase 2 Overactive bladder disorder [523939]
AZ-40140 Drug Info Phase 2 Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536122]
CL-316,243 Drug Info Phase 2 Obesity [533802], [540400]
CP-331684 Drug Info Phase 2 Diabetes [547126]
GW-427353 Drug Info Phase 2 Urinary incontinence [521908]
LY-362884 Drug Info Phase 2 Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536122]
LY-377604 Drug Info Phase 2 Obesity [522816]
MK-4618 Drug Info Phase 2 Overactive bladder disorder [523395]
N-5984 Drug Info Phase 2 Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536122]
YM-430 Drug Info Phase 2 Hypertension [534350]
ZD2079 Drug Info Phase 2 Diabetes [525938]
QLT-091568 Drug Info Phase 1/2 Glaucoma [522437]
BMS-196085 Drug Info Phase 1 Diabetes [526197]
EPI-12323 combination therapy Drug Info Phase 1 Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [547408]
KUC-7483 Drug Info Phase 1 Overactive bladder disorder [524942]
KUL-7211 Drug Info Phase 1 Neurogenic bladder dysfunction [547180]
Laevo-Bambuterol Drug Info Phase 1 Asthma [549077]
ZD7114 Drug Info Phase 1 Diabetes [525938]
Amibegron Drug Info Preclinical Major depressive disorder; Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536580], [541023]
CL-314698 Drug Info Preclinical Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536122]
CP-114271 Drug Info Preclinical Obesity [536122]
GCR-1087 Drug Info Preclinical Obesity; Type 2 diabetes [536122]
L-742791 Drug Info Preclinical Obesity [536122], [540405]
L-751250 Drug Info Preclinical Obesity [536122]
Bitolterol Drug Info Withdrawn from market Asthma [551871]
Epanolol Drug Info Discontinued in Preregistration Angina pectoris [544649]
PW-2101 Drug Info Discontinued in Preregistration Angina pectoris [547795]
Amibegron Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Major depressive disorder; Severe mood disorders [536580], [541023]
Adaprolol maleate-SME Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Glaucoma [545496]
ALPRENOXIME HYDROCHLORIDE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Glaucoma [545495]
OBERADILOL MONOETHYL MALEATE Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Hypertension [545156]
PROXODOLOL Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Glaucoma [546580]
Rafabegron Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Type 2 diabetes [546607]
Tienoxolol Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Hypertension [544571]
NCX 950 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1/2 Asthma [547021]
MN-246 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Urinary incontinence [548176]
PAFENOLOL Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Hypertension [545184]
RO-16-8714 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Diabetes [544945]
SB 418790 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Type 2 diabetes [547143]
BMS-210285 Drug Info Terminated Type 2 diabetes [546852]
BRL 26830A Drug Info Terminated Obesity [544638]
BRL 37344 Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [541013], [546206]
FR149175 Drug Info Terminated Type 2 diabetes [546562]
H-216/44 Drug Info Terminated Glaucoma [545911]
SM 11044 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [526162]
SR-58878 Drug Info Terminated Irritable bowel syndrome [549821]
SR-58894A Drug Info Terminated Gastrointestinal disease [546455]
Trecadrine Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [545594]
Agonist (-)-Ro 363 Drug Info [534368]
Amibegron Drug Info [536580]
ASP-3652 Drug Info [548857]
AZ-40140 Drug Info [536122]
BMS-210285 Drug Info [551898]
BRL 26830A Drug Info [536256]
BRL 37344 Drug Info [537970]
Carazolol Drug Info [538095]
CGP 12177 Drug Info [537970]
CL-314698 Drug Info [536122]
CL-316,243 Drug Info [535218]
CP-114271 Drug Info [536122]
CP-331684 Drug Info [551914]
EPI-12323 combination therapy Drug Info [543746]
FMP-825 Drug Info [543754]
FR149175 Drug Info [538035]
GCR-1087 Drug Info [536122]
GW-427353 Drug Info [536122]
KUC-7483 Drug Info [531824], [531877]
L-742791 Drug Info [536122]
L-751250 Drug Info [536122]
LY-362884 Drug Info [536122]
LY-377604 Drug Info [544405]
MK-4618 Drug Info [549065]
MN-246 Drug Info [550845]
N-5984 Drug Info [536122]
NCX 950 Drug Info [549952]
prenalterol Drug Info [533129]
SB 418790 Drug Info [551185]
SB251023 Drug Info [526315]
SM 11044 Drug Info [537970]
SWR-0342SA Drug Info [537068]
T-0509 Drug Info [534301]
Trecadrine Drug Info [537984]
Trimetoquinol Drug Info [534963]
xamoterol Drug Info [525620]
ZD2079 Drug Info [534855]
ZD7114 Drug Info [534855]
zinterol Drug Info [530999]
[125I]ICYP Drug Info [526944]
[3H](-)CGP 12177 Drug Info [527025]
Inhibitor 1-(1H-Indol-4-yloxy)-3-phenethylamino-propan-2-ol Drug Info [533374]
1-(2-allylphenoxy)-3-morpholinopropan-2-ol Drug Info [530883]
1-(2-isopropylphenoxy)-3-morpholinopropan-2-ol Drug Info [530883]
BMS-196085 Drug Info [528868]
Modulator Adaprolol maleate-SME Drug Info [534192]
Amosulalol Drug Info [533886], [551871]
Bitolterol Drug Info [533490], [551871]
Bopindolol Drug Info [532612], [551871]
Epanolol Drug Info [530320]
ER-23006 Drug Info [543746]
H-216/44 Drug Info [533381]
KUL-7211 Drug Info [526702]
Laevo-Bambuterol Drug Info [543746]
Mepindolol Drug Info [533373], [544004], [551871]
Mirabegron Drug Info [532210]
Nipradilol Drug Info [533522], [551871]
PAFENOLOL Drug Info [533895]
PROXODOLOL Drug Info [533804]
Rafabegron Drug Info [528534]
Rimiterol Drug Info [525848], [551871]
RO-16-8714 Drug Info [533155]
SR-58878 Drug Info [543754]
SR-58894A Drug Info [527168]
Tienoxolol Drug Info [533973]
YM-430 Drug Info [534350]
Binder Beta-adrenoceptor ligands Drug Info [543746]
Antagonist cicloprolol Drug Info [525440]
H87/07 Drug Info [525440]
L-748337 Drug Info [525542]
L748328 Drug Info [525542]
LK 204-545 Drug Info [525440]
NIHP Drug Info [525440]
NIP Drug Info [525440]
PW-2101 Drug Info [549748]
QLT-091568 Drug Info [551556]
[125I](-)ICYP Drug Info [527007]
Blocker MystiLol Drug Info [543746]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway Calcium signaling pathway
cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
Salivary secretion
PANTHER Pathway Heterotrimeric G-protein signaling pathway-Gi alpha and Gs alpha mediated pathway
Beta3 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway
Reactome Adrenoceptors
G alpha (s) signalling events
WikiPathways Monoamine GPCRs
Calcium Regulation in the Cardiac Cell
GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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Ref 551898CA patent application no. 509835, Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic derivatives, medicinal compositions containing the same and medicinal use thereof.
Ref 551914CN patent application no. 1717230, Pharmaceutical composition comprising a beta-3-adrenoceptor agonist and a serotonin and/or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

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