Target Validation Information
Target ID T84631
Target Name Coagulation factor Xa
Target Type
Drug Potency against Target Idraparinux Drug Info IC50 = 2.9 nM
PEDUNCULAGIN Drug Info Ki = 990 nM [534762]
PD-348292 Drug Info IC50 = 0.57 nM [529972]
Rivaroxaban Drug Info IC50 = 0.7 nM [527736]
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose Drug Info Ki = 570 nM [534762]
CASUARIIN Drug Info Ki = 450 nM [534762]
RWJ-671818 Drug Info Ki = 3300 nM [530660]
MELAGATRAN Drug Info IC50 = 17300 nM [528066]
ZK-814048 Drug Info Ki = 2.5 nM [528872]
Fondaparinux sodium Drug Info IC50 = 130 nM [552832]
4-(4-Benzyloxy-3-methoxy-benzylamino)-benzamidine Drug Info Ki = 1200 nM [527397]
SR-123781A Drug Info IC50 = 77 ng/mL [535183]
D-Pro-Phe-Arg chloromethyl ketone Drug Info IC50 = 1900 nM [529454]
PhSO2-Gly-(Me-Gly)-Arg-(2-thiazole) Drug Info IC50 = 6 nM [529193]
ZK-810388 Drug Info Ki = 0.29 nM [528872]
BMS-269223 Drug Info IC50 = 12 nM [530503]
Enoxaparin Drug Info IC50 = 6250 ng/mL [552976]
RAZAXABAN Drug Info Ki = 0.19 nM [529078]
BMS-344577 Drug Info Ki = 5.2 nM [530503]
Tellimagrandin II Drug Info Ki = 440 nM [534762]
5-desgalloylstachyurin Drug Info Ki = 690 nM [534762]
Octopamine Drug Info IC50 = 1 nM [552628]
Otamixaban Drug Info Ki = 0.52 nM [527940]
Ref 534762J Nat Prod. 1998 Nov;61(11):1356-60.Effects of tannins from Geum japonicum on the catalytic activity of thrombin and factor Xa of blood coagulation cascade.
Ref 529972Bioorg Med Chem. 2009 Mar 15;17(6):2501-11. Epub 2009 Feb 3.Exploration of 4,4-disubstituted pyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxamides as potent, orally active Factor Xa inhibitors with extended duration of action.
Ref 527736J Med Chem. 2005 Sep 22;48(19):5900-8.Discovery of the novel antithrombotic agent 5-chloro-N-({(5S)-2-oxo-3- [4-(3-oxomorpholin-4-yl)phenyl]-1,3-oxazolidin-5-yl}methyl)thiophene- 2-carboxamide (BAY 59-7939): an oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor.
Ref 534762J Nat Prod. 1998 Nov;61(11):1356-60.Effects of tannins from Geum japonicum on the catalytic activity of thrombin and factor Xa of blood coagulation cascade.
Ref 534762J Nat Prod. 1998 Nov;61(11):1356-60.Effects of tannins from Geum japonicum on the catalytic activity of thrombin and factor Xa of blood coagulation cascade.
Ref 530660J Med Chem. 2010 Feb 25;53(4):1843-56.Discovery and clinical evaluation of 1-{N-[2-(amidinoaminooxy)ethyl]amino}carbonylmethyl-6-methyl-3-[2,2-difluoro-2-phenylethylamino]pyrazinone (RWJ-671818), a thrombin inhibitor with an oxyguanidine P1 motif.
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Ref 528872J Med Chem. 2007 Jun 28;50(13):2967-80. Epub 2007 May 31.Thiophene-anthranilamides as highly potent and orally available factor Xa inhibitors.
Ref 552832Monitoring direct FXa-inhibitors and fondaparinux by Prothrombinase-induced Clotting Time (PiCT): relation to FXa-activity and influence of assay modifications. Thromb Res. 2008;123(2):396-403. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2008.05.010. Epub 2008 Jun 24.
Ref 527397Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2005 Feb 1;15(3):817-22.Design of selective phenylglycine amide tissue factor/factor VIIa inhibitors.
Ref 535183SR123781A, a synthetic heparin mimetic. Thromb Haemost. 2001 May;85(5):852-60.
Ref 529454J Med Chem. 2008 Jun 12;51(11):3077-80. Epub 2008 May 7.Novel 3-carboxamide-coumarins as potent and selective FXIIa inhibitors.
Ref 529193Bioorg Med Chem. 2008 Feb 15;16(4):1562-95. Epub 2007 Nov 6.Inhibitors of proteases and amide hydrolases that employ an alpha-ketoheterocycle as a key enabling functionality.
Ref 528872J Med Chem. 2007 Jun 28;50(13):2967-80. Epub 2007 May 31.Thiophene-anthranilamides as highly potent and orally available factor Xa inhibitors.
Ref 530503Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2009 Dec 15;19(24):6882-9. Epub 2009 Oct 23.Aroylguanidine-based factor Xa inhibitors: the discovery of BMS-344577.
Ref 552976Comparative anticoagulant and platelet modulatory effects of enoxaparin and sulodexide. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2009 Oct;15(5):501-11. doi: 10.1177/1076029609338711. Epub 2009 Aug 23.
Ref 529078J Med Chem. 2007 Nov 1;50(22):5339-56. Epub 2007 Oct 3.Discovery of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7-oxo-6-(4-(2-oxopiperidin-1-yl)phenyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridine-3-carboxamide (apixaban,BMS-562247), a highly potent, selective, efficacious, and orally bioavailable inhibitor of blood coagulation factor Xa.
Ref 530503Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2009 Dec 15;19(24):6882-9. Epub 2009 Oct 23.Aroylguanidine-based factor Xa inhibitors: the discovery of BMS-344577.
Ref 534762J Nat Prod. 1998 Nov;61(11):1356-60.Effects of tannins from Geum japonicum on the catalytic activity of thrombin and factor Xa of blood coagulation cascade.
Ref 534762J Nat Prod. 1998 Nov;61(11):1356-60.Effects of tannins from Geum japonicum on the catalytic activity of thrombin and factor Xa of blood coagulation cascade.
Ref 552628Targeting the prostaglandin D2 receptors DP and CRTH2 for treatment of inflammation. Curr Top Med Chem. 2006;6(13):1427-44.
Ref 527940Curr Top Med Chem. 2005;5(16):1677-95.Small molecule coagulation cascade inhibitors in the clinic.

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