Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Gene Name
Penicillin binding protein; dacA
Target Type
Disease Arthritis [ICD9: 710-719; ICD10: M00-M25]
Acute bronchitis [ICD10: J20-J21, J42]
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD9: 204.0, 556; ICD10: C91.0]
Acute myeloid leukemia [ICD9: 205; ICD10: C92.0]
Brain cancer; Glioma [ICD9:191, 225.0; ICD10: C71, D33]
Bacterial infections [ICD9: 001-009, 010-018, 020-027, 030-041, 080-088, 090-099, 100-104; ICD10: A00-B99]
Brain cancer [ICD9: 191, 225.0; ICD10: C71, D33]
Breast cancer [ICD9: 174, 175; ICD10: C50]
Cancer [ICD9: 140-229; ICD10: C00-C96]
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [ICD10: C91]
Chronic bronchitis [ICD10: J42]
Cystic fibrosis [ICD9: 277; ICD10: E84]
Dietary shortage [ICD9: 260-269; ICD10: E40-E46]
Fungal infections [ICD9: 110-118; ICD10: B35-B49]
Gastrointestinal cancers; Breast cancers [ICD9: 150-159, 174, 175; ICD10: C15-C26, C50]
Gram-positive bacterial infection [ICD9: 001-009, 010-018, 020-027, 030-041, 080-088, 090-099, 100-104]
Hodgkin's lymphoma [ICD10: C81]
Herpes simplex virus infection [ICD9: 54; ICD10: B00]
Infections of the upper and lower urinary tract [ICD10: A00-B99]
Infections by susceptible microorganisms [ICD10: A00-B99]
Lupus nephritis [ICD9: 583.81; ICD10: M32.1, N08.5]
Leukemia [ICD9: 208.9; ICD10: C90-C95]
Melanoma [ICD9: 172; ICD10: C43]
Malaria [ICD10: B54]
Myelodysplastic syndrome; Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ICD9:238.7, 204.0, 556; ICD10: D46, C91.0]
Metastatic islet cell carcinoma [ICD9: 157.4; ICD10: C25.4]
Neurological disease [ICD9: 338, 338.2, 410, 782.3,780; ICD10: I21, I22, R52, R52.1-R52.2, R60.9, G89]
Ovarian cancer [ICD9: 183; ICD10: C56]
Psoriasis; Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [ICD9:696, 202.1, 202.2; ICD10: L40, C84.0, C84.1]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; Haemophilus influenzae infection [ICD10: B96.5]
Refractory chronic myeloid leukaemia [ICD9: 205.1; ICD10: C92.1]
Sepsis [ICD9: 995.91; ICD10: A40, A41]
Stage IA/IB mycosisfungoides-type cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [ICD10: C81-C86]
Systemic lupus erythematosus [ICD9: 710; ICD10: M32]
Urinary tract infections [ICD9: 599; ICD10: N39.0]
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Adenine Drug Info Approved Dietary shortage [468017], [550673]
Altretamine Drug Info Approved Ovarian cancer [538535], [542119]
Ampicillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538200]
Azlocillin Drug Info Approved Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; Haemophilus influenzae infection [551871]
Bacampicillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538600]
Balofloxacin Drug Info Approved Gram-positive bacterial infection [536094]
Bleomycin Drug Info Approved Hodgkin's lymphoma [536361]
Carbenicillin Drug Info Approved Infections of the upper and lower urinary tract [551871]
Cefacetrile Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [550676]
Cefaclor Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538203]
Cefadroxil Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [468064], [538205]
Cefamandole Drug Info Approved Infections by susceptible microorganisms [551871]
Cefazolin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538217]
Cefdinir Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536222]
Cefditoren Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefixime Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefonicid Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefoperazone Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Ceforanide Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefotetan Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefoxitin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefpiramide Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefpodoxime Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefprozil Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefradine Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [468063], [544499]
Ceftazidime Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Ceftibuten Drug Info Approved Chronic bronchitis [551871]
Ceftizoxime Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Cefuroxime Drug Info Approved Acute bronchitis [551871]
Cephalexin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [468065], [538201]
Cephapirin Drug Info Approved Sepsis [538207], [551871]
Chlorambucil Drug Info Approved Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia [538433], [542151]
Ciprofloxacin XR Drug Info Approved Gram-positive bacterial infection [536094]
Clofarabine Drug Info Approved Myelodysplastic syndrome; Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [527466], [536361], [541885], [551871]
Cloxacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538198]
Cyclacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [468048], [538209], [551871]
Dacarbazine Drug Info Approved Melanoma [538295]
Dactinomycin Drug Info Approved Cancer [538603]
Dicloxacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538204]
Dornase Alfa Drug Info Approved Cystic fibrosis [536361]
Elliptinium acetate Drug Info Approved Cancer [551871]
Ertapenem Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Flucloxacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [550700]
Idoxuridine Drug Info Approved Herpes simplex virus infection [538467]
Lomustine Drug Info Approved Brain cancer; Glioma [538491], [542229], [551871]
Loracarbef Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536361]
Mechlorethamine Drug Info Approved Stage IA/IB mycosisfungoides-type cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [551871]
Mercaptopurine Drug Info Approved Acute lymphoblastic leukemia [537297], [542241]
Methoxsalen Drug Info Approved Psoriasis; Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [538412], [551871]
Methylene blue Drug Info Approved Acquired methemoglobinemia [538085]
Meticillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [550731]
Mitomycin Drug Info Approved Gastrointestinal cancers; Breast cancers [536361], [542094]
Mitomycin A Drug Info Approved Cancer [536361]
Mitomycin C Drug Info Approved Cancer [536361]
Nafcillin Drug Info Approved Arthritis [538206], [551871]
Nelarabine Drug Info Approved Leukemia [536361], [536644], [542096], [551186]
Neocarzinostatin Drug Info Approved Cancer [551871]
Nitrofurantoin Drug Info Approved Urinary tract infections [538414]
Oxacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538199]
Penicillin V Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536773]
Piperacillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [536823]
Pipobroman Drug Info Approved Refractory chronic myeloid leukaemia [538475], [542291], [551871]
Pirarubicin Drug Info Approved Breast cancer [524155], [551871]
Pivampicillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [550745]
Pivmecillinam Drug Info Approved Urinary tract infections [550761], [551871]
Primaquine Drug Info Approved Malaria [538406]
Procarbazine Drug Info Approved Hodgkin's lymphoma [538480], [542298]
Proflavine Drug Info Approved Sepsis [550748]
Streptozocin Drug Info Approved Metastatic islet cell carcinoma [536361]
Thioguanine Drug Info Approved Acute myeloid leukemia [536361], [541925]
Ticarcillin Drug Info Approved Bacterial infections [538597]
Uracil mustard Drug Info Approved Acute myeloid leukemia [536361], [542609], [551871]
Zinostatin stimalamer Drug Info Approved Brain cancer [551871]
Mechlorethamine Drug Info Phase 3 Hodgkin's lymphoma [542232], [551871]
Indol-3-carbinol Drug Info Preclinical Fungal infections [537364]
Abetimus sodium Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Lupus nephritis [536055]
TV-4710 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Systemic lupus erythematosus [536055]
Talisomycin Drug Info Terminated Discovery agent [544740]
Meticillin Drug Info Investigative Neurological disease [525919]
Inhibitor 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)Acetic Acid Drug Info [551393]
Abetimus sodium Drug Info [536055]
Balofloxacin Drug Info [536094]
Beta-D-Glucose Drug Info [551393]
Ciprofloxacin XR Drug Info [536094]
Lipid Fragment Drug Info [551393]
Lomustine Drug Info [536461]
Phosphomethylphosphonic Acid Adenosyl Ester Drug Info [551393]
Thiamin Diphosphate Drug Info [551393]
TV-4710 Drug Info [536055]
Intercalator Actinomycin D Drug Info [535170]
Adriamycin Drug Info [537817]
Ametantrone Drug Info [537764]
Chlorambucil Drug Info [537444]
Daunomycin Drug Info [537682]
Ethidium Drug Info [537682]
Mechlorethamine Drug Info [537392]
Nogalamycin Drug Info [534880]
Thioguanine Drug Info [537106]
Binder Adenine Drug Info [536215], [537584]
Ampicillin Drug Info [535430]
Azlocillin Drug Info [537684]
Bacampicillin Drug Info [536284]
Carbenicillin Drug Info [537657]
Cefacetrile Drug Info [536792]
Cefaclor Drug Info [536052]
Cefadroxil Drug Info [538061]
Cefamandole Drug Info [538071]
Cefazolin Drug Info [536598]
Cefdinir Drug Info [536431]
Cefditoren Drug Info [536486]
Cefixime Drug Info [537473]
Cefonicid Drug Info [537802]
Cefoperazone Drug Info [538144]
Ceforanide Drug Info [535771]
Cefotetan Drug Info [536418]
Cefoxitin Drug Info [536821]
Cefpiramide Drug Info [536284]
Cefpodoxime Drug Info [536267]
Cefprozil Drug Info [536099]
Cefradine Drug Info [536821]
Ceftazidime Drug Info [536645]
Ceftibuten Drug Info [537479]
Ceftizoxime Drug Info [536047]
Cefuroxime Drug Info [535705]
Cephalexin Drug Info [535908]
Cephapirin Drug Info [537909]
Clofarabine Drug Info [536496]
Cloxacillin Drug Info [536385]
Cyclacillin Drug Info [536284]
Dicloxacillin Drug Info [537799]
Ertapenem Drug Info [536047]
Flucloxacillin Drug Info [537799]
Idoxuridine Drug Info [534878]
Indol-3-carbinol Drug Info [537364]
Loracarbef Drug Info [536267]
Methoxsalen Drug Info [537800]
Meticillin Drug Info [536269]
Mitomycin Drug Info [537608]
Nafcillin Drug Info [537679]
Nelarabine Drug Info [536644]
Oxacillin Drug Info [537307]
Penicillin V Drug Info [537832]
Piperacillin Drug Info [536021]
Pipobroman Drug Info [537776]
Pivampicillin Drug Info [536284]
Pivmecillinam Drug Info [536997]
Proflavine Drug Info [537222]
Ticarcillin Drug Info [537929]
Breaker Altretamine Drug Info [536640]
Bleomycin Drug Info [537784]
Dacarbazine Drug Info [537543]
Dactinomycin Drug Info [534930]
Dornase Alfa Drug Info [536538]
Duocarmycin Drug Info [534930]
Enediyne antibiotics Drug Info [534930]
Mercaptopurine Drug Info [537146]
Nitracrine Drug Info [534871]
Nitrofurantoin Drug Info [537957]
Streptozocin Drug Info [537542]
Talisomycin Drug Info [537784]
Binder (minor groove binder) Bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33258) Drug Info [537830]
Di-imidazole lexitropsin Drug Info [538053]
Distamycin A Drug Info [535333]
Netropsin Drug Info [537664]
Modulator Elliptinium acetate Drug Info [527631], [534365], [536361]
Neocarzinostatin Drug Info [536361]
Pirarubicin Drug Info [536361]
Uracil mustard Drug Info [537960]
Zinostatin stimalamer Drug Info [536361]
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