Target General Information
Target ID T08856
Target Name Matrix metalloproteinase-8
Synonyms MMP-8; Matrix metalloproteinase-8; PMNL collagenase; PMNL-CL; MMP8
Target Type Clinical Trial
Gene Name MMP8
Biochemical Class Peptidase
Target Gene Expression Profiles in the Disease-Relevant Drug Targeted Tissue of the Patients and Healthy Individuals
Disease Rheumatoid arthritis
Example drug CIPEMASTAT Phase 3 [1], [2], [3]
Tissue Synovial tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: -0.01
Z-score: -0.05
P-value: 1.73E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Multiple sclerosis
Example drug BB-1101 Terminated [4], [3]
Tissue Spinal cord
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section Fold-change: -0.04
Z-score: -0.33
P-value: 7.62E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section
Disease Lung cancer
Tissue Lung tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: 0.07
Z-score: 0.14
P-value: 1.19E-01
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section Fold-change: 0.08
Z-score: 0.29
P-value: 4.55E-05
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Prostate cancer
Tissue Prostate
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: -0.34
Z-score: -0.66
P-value: 2.04E-03
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Sarcoma
Tissue Muscle tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: -0.09
Z-score: -0.56
P-value: 7.87E-01
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section Fold-change: -0.17
Z-score: -1.04
P-value: 3.90E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the normal section of the tissue adjacent to the disease section
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Target Gene Expression Profiles in Other Tissues of Healthy Individuals
REF 1Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition lowers mortality and brain injury in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Infect Immun. 2014 Apr;82(4):1710-8.
REF 2( Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 6466).
REF 3NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update.
REF 4Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800006361)

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