Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Anti-anthrax toxin mAb, IQ; Human monoclonal antibodies (anthrax), IQ; IQN-protective antigen (human mAb), IQ corporation; MAb-based immunotherapy (anthrax), IQ; IQNLF + IQNPA (human mAbs, Bacillus anthracis infection), IQ Therapeutics
Indication Bacillus anthracis infection [ICD10:A22] Phase 1 [1]
IQ Therapeutics BV
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Protective antigen Target Info Modulator
Lethal factor Target Info Modulator
Pathway Interaction Database Cellular roles of Anthrax toxinanthraxpathway:Cellular roles of Anthrax toxin
Reactome Uptake and function of anthrax toxinsR-HSA-5210891:Uptake and function of anthrax toxins
REF 1Trusted, scientifically sound profiles of drug programs, clinical trials, safety reports, and company deals, written by scientists. Springer. 2015. Adis Insight (drug id 800020942)

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