Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
INCB-007839; INCB-7839; Sheddase inhibitors (anticancer), Incyte; ADAM inhibitors (oral, cancer), Incyte
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
Indication Breast cancer [ICD9: 174, 175; ICD10:C50] Phase 1/2 [1]
Incyte Corp


Canonical SMILES
C1CC21CN([C@@H]([C@H](C2)C(=O)NO)C(=O)N1CCN(CC1)c1ccccc<br />1)C(=O)OC
CAS Number
CAS 791828-58-5
PubChem Compound ID
Target and Pathway
Target(s) ADAM 10 Target Info Modulator
ADAM 17 Target Info Modulator [2]
KEGG Pathway Alzheimer's disease
Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infectionhsa04330:Notch signaling pathway
Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection
NetPath Pathway RANKL Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathwayP00003:Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathway
Alzheimer disease-presenilin pathway
Notch signaling pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Notch signaling pathway
Presenilin action in Notch and Wnt signaling
Posttranslational regulation of adherens junction stability and dissassemblyerbb4_pathway:ErbB4 signaling events
TNF receptor signaling pathway
p75(NTR)-mediated signaling
Reactome Collagen degradation
Degradation of the extracellular matrix
Activated NOTCH1 Transmits Signal to the Nucleus
Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 PEST Domain Mutants
Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 t(7
M1580_K2555) Translocation Mutant
Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 HD Domain Mutants
Constitutive Signaling by NOTCH1 HD+PEST Domain Mutants
NOTCH2 Activation and Transmission of Signal to the Nucleus
EPH-ephrin mediated repulsion of cellsR-HSA-1251985:Nuclear signaling by ERBB4
Regulated proteolysis of p75NTR
TNF signaling
Growth hormone receptor signaling
WikiPathways Hypertrophy Model
Copper homeostasis
Signaling by NOTCH3
Signaling by NOTCH4
Signaling by NOTCH2
Alzheimers DiseaseWP61:Notch Signaling Pathway
Notch Signaling Pathway
Growth hormone receptor signaling
BDNF signaling pathway
Alzheimers Disease
Signalling by NGF
Extrinsic Pathway for Apoptosis
REF 1ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02141451) INCB7839 With Rituximab After Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Diffuse Large B Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
REF 2Interpreting expression profiles of cancers by genome-wide survey of breadth of expression in normal tissues. Genomics 2005 Aug;86(2):127-41.

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