Target General Infomation
Target ID
Former ID
Target Name
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1
Gene Name
CysLTR1; Cysteinyl leukotriene D4 receptor; HG55; HMTMF81; LTD4 receptor; Leukotriene D4-receptor; CYSLTR1
Target Type
Disease Asthma; Prophylaxis [ICD9: 493; ICD10: J45]
Allergy [ICD9: 995.3; ICD10: T78.4]
Allergic rhinitis [ICD9: 472.0, 477, 995.3; ICD10: J00, J30, J31.0, T78.4]
Asthma [ICD10: J45]
Migraine [ICD9: 346; ICD10: G43]
Unspecified [ICD code not available]
Receptor for cysteinyl leukotrienes mediating bronchoconstriction of individuals with and without asthma. Stimulation by LTD4 results in the contraction and proliferation of smooth muscle, edema, eosinophil migration and damage to the mucus layer in the lung. This response is mediated via a G-protein that activates a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system. The rank order of affinities for the leukotrienes is LTD4 >>LTE4 = LTC4 >> LTB4.
BioChemical Class
GPCR rhodopsin
Target Validation
UniProt ID
Drugs and Mode of Action
Drug(s) Cinalukast Drug Info Approved Asthma [538016]
Montelukast Drug Info Approved Asthma [536361], [540299]
Pranlukast Drug Info Approved Asthma; Prophylaxis [536361], [540487]
Zafirlukast Drug Info Approved Asthma [534965], [540282]
Claritin/Singulair Drug Info Phase 3 Allergic rhinitis [526132], [526996], [551871]
BAY-X-7195 Drug Info Phase 2 Asthma [545585]
Iralukast Drug Info Phase 2 Asthma [529458], [541170]
KP-496 Drug Info Phase 2 Asthma [528550]
LM-1507.NA Drug Info Phase 2 Asthma [546822]
Masilukast Drug Info Phase 2 Asthma [547331]
CR-3465 Drug Info Phase 1 Allergy [547818]
YM-57158 Drug Info Phase 1 Allergic rhinitis [534743]
Ablukast Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 3 Asthma [545175]
AS-35 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Asthma [544897]
DS-4574 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Asthma [544688]
FK-011 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Asthma [546862]
L-660771 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Discovery agent [541365], [544533]
LY-2300559 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Migraine [523139]
Sulukast Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 2 Asthma [540287], [544541]
RG-7152 Drug Info Discontinued in Phase 1 Asthma [533831]
FPL-55712 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [544540]
L-648051 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [544545]
LM-1376 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [546076]
LY-290154 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [546276]
MCI-826 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [544954]
MDL-43291 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [544539]
OT-4003 Drug Info Terminated Asthma [534337]
Tomelukast Drug Info Terminated Asthma [544534]
Antagonist 5'-methylthioadenosine Drug Info [537937]
BayCysLT2 Drug Info [531556]
BAYu9773 Drug Info [525921]
Cinalukast Drug Info [538016]
LM-1507.NA Drug Info [526323], [551871]
MCI-826 Drug Info [526754], [551871]
Montelukast Drug Info [535660], [537451]
pobilukast Drug Info [525572]
Pranlukast Drug Info [537612]
RG-7152 Drug Info [533831], [551871]
XGP-510 Drug Info [543684]
Zafirlukast Drug Info [534965], [535660], [535666]
[3H]ICI-198615 Drug Info [526751]
Modulator Ablukast Drug Info [1572591]
AS-35 Drug Info [526815]
BAY-X-7195 Drug Info
CGP-57698 Drug Info
Claritin/Singulair Drug Info [526132], [526996]
CR-3465 Drug Info [1572591]
DS-4574 Drug Info [533854]
FK-011 Drug Info [526901]
FPL-55712 Drug Info [529534]
Iralukast Drug Info [534582]
KP-496 Drug Info [528550]
L-648051 Drug Info
L-660771 Drug Info
LM-1376 Drug Info [556264]
LY-2300559 Drug Info
LY-290154 Drug Info
Masilukast Drug Info [1572591]
MDL-43291 Drug Info
OT-4003 Drug Info [534337]
Sulukast Drug Info
Tomelukast Drug Info
WY-46016 Drug Info
YM-57158 Drug Info [534743]
Agonist LTC4 Drug Info [525529]
LTD4 Drug Info [525572]
LTE4 Drug Info [525529]
N-methyl LTC4 Drug Info [531263]
[3H]LTD4 Drug Info [543684]
Target Expression Profile (TEP) and Drug Resistance Mutation (DRM)
KEGG Pathway Calcium signaling pathway
Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction
NetPath Pathway TGF_beta_Receptor Signaling Pathway
IL4 Signaling Pathway
IL3 Signaling Pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Endothelins
Reactome Leukotriene receptors
G alpha (q) signalling events
WikiPathways GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
GPCR ligand binding
GPCR downstream signaling
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Ref 526996A review of montelukast in the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2004 Mar;5(3):679-86.
Ref 528550Effects of KP-496, a novel dual antagonist for leukotriene D4 and thromboxane A2 receptors, on contractions induced by various agonists in the guinea pig trachea. Allergol Int. 2006 Dec;55(4):403-10.
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Ref 534337Discovery of OT4003, a novel, potent, and orally active cys-LT1 receptor antagonist. Bioorg Med Chem. 1997 Feb;5(2):415-27.
Ref 534743In vitro pharmacologic profile of YM158, a new dual antagonist for LTD4 and TXA2 receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1998 Nov;287(2):633-9.
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