Target General Information
Target ID T63414
Target Name P2X purinoceptor 7
Synonyms ATP receptor; Adenosine P2X7 receptor; P2X7; P2Z receptor; Purinergic receptor; P2RX7
Target Type Clinical Trial
Gene Name P2RX7
Biochemical Class ATP-gated P2X receptor cation channel
Target Gene Expression Profiles in the Disease-Relevant Drug Targeted Tissue of the Patients and Healthy Individuals
Disease Rheumatoid arthritis
Example drug EVT 401 Phase 1 [551888], [1572592]
Tissue Synovial tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: 1.08
Z-score: 1.25
P-value: 1.71E-02
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Alzheimer's disease
Example drug JNJ-479655 Clinical trial [532081], [1572592]
Tissue Entorhinal cortex
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: 0.37
Z-score: 0.49
P-value: 1.11E-06
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tissue Small airway epithelium
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: 0.16
Z-score: 0.37
P-value: 5.97E-02
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tissue Lung tissue
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: -0.10
Z-score: -0.22
P-value: 3.17E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Target Gene Expression Profiles in Other Tissues of Healthy Individuals
Ref 532081The role of the innate immune system in psychiatric disorders. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2013 Mar;53:52-62.
Ref 551888Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of Evotec.
Ref 1572592NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update.

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