Target Validation Information
Target ID T82702
Target Name Pregnane X receptor
Target Type
Drug Potency against Target WAY-214950 Drug Info IC50 = 2160 nM [529781]
WAY-252623 Drug Info IC50 = 1770 nM [529781]
Ref 529781J Med Chem. 2008 Nov 27;51(22):7161-8.Indazole-based liver X receptor (LXR) modulators with maintained atherosclerotic lesion reduction activity but diminished stimulation of hepatic triglyceride synthesis.
Ref 529781J Med Chem. 2008 Nov 27;51(22):7161-8.Indazole-based liver X receptor (LXR) modulators with maintained atherosclerotic lesion reduction activity but diminished stimulation of hepatic triglyceride synthesis.

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