Target Validation Information
Target ID T87166
Target Name Glucokinase
Target Type
Clinical Trial
Action against Disease Model Lonidamine Lonidamine is an anticancer drug that has its primary action on cellular metabolism rather than cell division. Since lonidamine is not effective in all t uMor cells, we have tested it in two h uMan-t uMor cell culture lines: MOLT-4, a T-leukemia and U-87 MG, a glioma. Lonidamine exposure of MOLT-4 cells at 50 micrograms/mL and pH 6.7 disrupted the mitochondria within 1 h of treatment. The mitochondria were swollen and the cristae were disrupted. When the treated cells were re-incubated in fresh medi uM at pH 7.4 the mitochondria rapidly returned to their normal morphology. [553126] Drug Info
The Effect of Target Knockout, Knockdown or Genetic Variations To investigate the functional and structural renal changes in a long-term liver-specific glucokinase (gck) knockout mouse, a model was developed of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY2). Hemizygous gck knockout mice, gck(w/-) groups, were compared at 6, 10, and 14 months with their age-matched normal littermates, gck(w/w) groups. To examine changes, we compared body weight, fasting blood glucose, ser uM insulin, and creatinine levels, as well as 24-h urine samples that were collected for urine vol uMe and protein analysis between the 2 groups. Renal tissues were collected and stained with hemotoxylin-eosin and periodic-acid Schiff for light microscopic observation. The expression of renal transforming growth factor |?? (TGF-|??) was determined by Western blot.Our results show that fasting blood glucose levels were significantly higher in gck(w/-) mice compared with gck(w/w) mice (P < 0.01) for all age groups. Compared with age-matched gck(w/w) mice, 10-month old gck(w/-) mice have significantly elevated body weights (P < 0.01) and protein contents (P < 0.001). A gradual increase in mesangial matrix and a thickening of the glomerular basement membrane was observed in gck(w/-) mice at 10 and 14 months. The levels of renal TGF-|?? expression are increasing in both gck(w/-) and gck(w/w) mice. [553126]
Ref 553126Morphological effects of lonidamine on two human-tumor cell culture lines. Scanning Microsc. 1989 Jun;3(2):681-91; discussion 691-3.

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