Target Validation Information
Target ID T82146
Target Name Retinoic acid receptor gamma
Target Type
Drug Potency against Target Tazarotene Drug Info EC50 = 39 nM [553242]
Action against Disease Model Tazarotene IC50 on differentiation marker MRP-8 in normal h uMan keratinocytes: 7nM [552181] Drug Info
Ref 553242Negative regulation of two hyperproliferative keratinocyte differentiation markers by a retinoic acid receptor-specific retinoid: insight into the mechanism of retinoid action in psoriasis. Cell Growth Differ. 1996 Dec;7(12):1783-91.
Ref 552181Cell type and gene-specific activity of the retinoid inverse agonist AGN 193109: divergent effects from agonist at retinoic acid receptor gamma in human keratinocytes. Cell Growth Differ. 1999 Apr;10(4):255-62.

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