Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Anticerumen; Dreft; Dupanal; Duponal; Duponol; Gardinol; Irium; NALS; Natriumlaurylsulfat; Neutrazyme; SDS; SLS; Syntapon; WAQE; Akyposal SDS; Aquarex ME; Aquarex methyl; Carsonol SLS; Carsonol SLS Paste B; Carsonol SLS Special; Conco Sulfate WAG; Conco Sulfate WAN; Conco Sulfate WAS; Conco sulfate WA; Conco sulfate WN; DODECYL SULFATE; Dupanol WAQ; Duponal WAQE; Duponol C; Duponol Me; Duponol QC; Duponol WA; Duponol WA dry; Duponol WAQ; Duponol WAQE; Duponol WAQM; Duponol methyl; Duponol qx; Duponol waqa; EMAL O; Empicol LPZ; Hexamol SLS; Incronol SLS; Laurylsiran sodny; Lauyl sodium sulfate; Maprobix NEU; Maprofix LK; Maprofix NEU; Maprofix WAC; Melanol CL; Montopol La Paste; Nikkol SLS; Orvus WA Paste; Perlandrol L; Perlankrol L; Richonol A; Richonol C; Richonol af; SDS Running Buffer; Sintapon L; Sipex OP; Sipex SP; Sipex UB; Sipex sb; Sipex sd; Sipon LS; Sipon LSB; Sipon PD; Sipon WD; Sodium Laurylsulfate; Solsol needles; Standapol WAQ; Stepanol ME; Stepanol ME Dry AW; Stepanol WA; Stepanol WA Paste; Stepanol me dry; Stepanol methyl; Stepanol wac; Stepanol waq; Sterling wa paste; Sulfotex wa; Texapon DL; Trepenol WA; Avirol 101; Avirol 118; Avirol 118 conc; Berol 452; CP 75424; Cycloryl 21; Cycloryl 31; Cycloryl 580; Cycloryl 585N; Detergent 66; Emal 10; Emersal 6400; Empicol LS 30; Empicol LX 28; Finasol osr2; MP SILICA RP 18; Maprofix 563; Melanol CL 30; Monagen Y 100; Monogen Y 100; Odoripon Al 95; Perklankrol ESD 60; Rewopol NLS 30; Sinnopon LS 100; Sinnopon LS 95; Sipon LS 100; Standapol 112; Standapol 112 conc; Standapol was 100; Steinapol NLS 90; Stepanol T 28; Sulfetal L 95; Sulfopon wa 1; Swascol 3L; Tarapon K 12; Tvm 474; Emulsifier no. 104; Finasol osr(sub 2); IPC-SDS;Jordanol SL-300; Lanette Wax-S; Maprofix WAC-LA; Product no. 161; Product no. 75; Quolac EX-UB; S-4600; Standapol wa-ac; Stepanol WA-100; Sterling WAQ-CH; Ultra sulfate sl-1
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
Indication Constipation [ICD9: 564; ICD10:K59.0] Approved [550704]


Canonical SMILES
CAS Number
CAS 151-21-3
PubChem Compound ID
PubChem Substance ID
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Serum albumin Target Info Binder [536123]
Pathway Interaction Database FOXA2 and FOXA3 transcription factor networks
Reactome Platelet degranulation
Recycling of bile acids and salts
HDL-mediated lipid transport
Scavenging of heme from plasma
WikiPathways Human Complement System
Binding and Uptake of Ligands by Scavenger Receptors
Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport
Transport of vitamins, nucleosides, and related molecules
Bile acid and bile salt metabolism
Folate Metabolism
Vitamin B12 Metabolism
Selenium Micronutrient Network
Ref 550704Drug information of Sodium lauryl sulfate, 2008. eduDrugs.
Ref 536123Some properties of the interaction between 2,2'-diselenadibenzoic acid and serum albumins. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2005 Sep 1;39(1-2):263-7.

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