Drug General Information
Drug ID
Drug Name
Indication Discovery agent Investigative [1]
Canonical SMILES
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Interstitial collagenase Target Info [1]
Stromelysin-1 Target Info [1]
KEGG Pathway PPAR signaling pathway
Pathways in cancer
Bladder cancer
Rheumatoid arthritishsa04668:TNF signaling pathway
Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
Rheumatoid arthritis
NetPath Pathway IL1 Signaling Pathway
EGFR1 Signaling Pathway
TWEAK Signaling Pathway
Wnt Signaling PathwayNetPath_13:IL1 Signaling Pathway
IL4 Signaling Pathway
PANTHER Pathway Alzheimer disease-presenilin pathway
Plasminogen activating cascadeP00050:Plasminogen activating cascade
CCKR signaling map ST
Pathway Interaction Database Endothelins
Validated transcriptional targets of AP1 family members Fra1 and Fra2
Glucocorticoid receptor regulatory network
AP-1 transcription factor network
Syndecan-1-mediated signaling eventsajdiss_2pathway:Posttranslational regulation of adherens junction stability and dissassembly
p75(NTR)-mediated signaling
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and uPAR-mediated signaling
Reactome Collagen degradation
Degradation of the extracellular matrix
Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Basigin interactions
Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) transport and uptake by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs)R-HSA-1442490:Collagen degradation
Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures
EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin
WikiPathways TGF beta Signaling Pathway
Bladder Cancer
Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Degradation of collagen
Quercetin and Nf-kB/ AP-1 Induced Cell Apoptosis
Oncostatin M Signaling Pathway
Prostate Cancer
Integrated Breast Cancer Pathway
Integrated Cancer pathway
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall
Matrix MetalloproteinasesWP2769:Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
Matrix Metalloproteinases
REF 1URL: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/ The ChEMBL database in 2017

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