Drug General Information
Drug ID
Drug Name
Endo-CD; Endostatin-cytosine deaminase fusion protein
Indication Unspecified Investigative [1559710]
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Endostatin Target Info Modulator
KEGG Pathway Protein digestion and absorption
NetPath Pathway FSH Signaling Pathway
Pathway Interaction Database Beta1 integrin cell surface interactions
Direct p53 effectors
Validated nuclear estrogen receptor alpha network
FOXA1 transcription factor network
Reactome Collagen degradation
Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes
Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures
Integrin cell surface interactions
Laminin interactions
WikiPathways Assembly of collagen fibrils and other multimeric structures
Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes
Ref 1559710Dual targeting of tumor angiogenesis and chemotherapy by endostatin-cytosine deaminase-uracil phosphoribosyltransferase.Mol Cancer Ther.2011 Aug;10(8):1327-36.

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