Drug General Information
Drug ID
Former ID
Drug Name
Heparin low molecular weight
Heparin low molecular weight, Watson Laboratories; Heparin transmucosal, TheraTech
Indication Thrombosis [ICD9: 437.6, 453, 671.5, 671.9; ICD10:I80-I82] Phase 3 [528250]
Watson Laboratories Inc
Target and Pathway
Target(s) Antithrombin-III Target Info Modulator [534104]
KEGG Pathway Complement and coagulation cascades
PANTHER Pathway Blood coagulation
Pathway Interaction Database Glypican 1 network
Reactome Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
WikiPathways Complement and Coagulation Cascades
Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade)
Ref 528250Low-molecular-weight heparin in patients with advanced cancer: a phase 3 clinical trial. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Jun;81(6):758-67.
Ref 534104Effects of low molecular weight heparin on a severely antithrombin III-decreased disseminated intravascular coagulation model in rabbits. Thromb Res. 1995 Dec 1;80(5):391-8.

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