Target's General Information
Target ID T29024
Target Name SOD1 messenger RNA (SOD1 mRNA)
Synonyms hSod1 (mRNA); Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (mRNA); Superoxide dismutase 1 (mRNA); Superoxide dismutase (mRNA)
Target Type Successful
Gene Name SOD1
Biochemical Class mRNA target
Target's Expression Profile in Disease Related Tissue between Patients and Normal People
Disease Lateral sclerosis
Example drug ISIS-SOD1 Phase 1 [1], [2], [3]
Tissue Cervical spinal cord
Level of differential expression between the patients in the disease section of the tissue and the tissues of healthy individual Fold-change: -0.49
Z-score: -0.43
P-value: 2.51E-01
Target gene expression profiles of the patients in the disease section of the tissue
Target gene expression profiles in the tissue of healthy individual
Target's Expression Profile across Various Tissues of Healthy Individual
REF 1 Clinical pipeline report, company report or official report of ISIS Pharmaceuticals (2011).
REF 2 Interpreting expression profiles of cancers by genome-wide survey of breadth of expression in normal tissues. Genomics 2005 Aug;86(2):127-41.
REF 3 NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D991-5.

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